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Not-for-Resale (NFR) License
We want all IBM Lotus Business Partners and telephony resellers to have the opportunity to experience first hand the benefits of unified messaging. That's why we propose a special NFR License of Unified MailCall. The software delivered is for our complete product and includes the Mobile Access (e-mail reader, Lotus Address Books and CRM access, HelpDesk and FaxBack modules as well as the scripting tool for computer telephony integration applications).
The NFR License is for 2 ports and covers an unlimited number of users. The license is valid for 12 months. The price includes Annual Maintenance providing e-mail and telephone support as well as software upgrades 
The system is delivered with 1 text-to-speech (TTS) resource. SPECIAL OFFER up till September 30, 2006, we'll be shipping our NFR License along with RealSpeak - our enhanced TTS option.
The system can be used in your day-to-day business as well as for demo purposes.
The cost - only $900.00. Price does not include Dialogic voice board. This is re-credited back to the reseller at $300.00 for each of the first three system sales per year. A larger NFR system can be supplied at additional cost.
Please contact us today for your NFR. |
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