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Ready for IBM Lotus Software

We offer a complete Software Development Kit that enables telephone access to any of your Lotus Notes databases, applications or products. There are no limits on the types of applications, industries, vertical or horizontal markets or capabilities you can build into your Lotus Notes telephony solutions. The Software Development Kit extends any Lotus Notes application or database to allow you instantaneous access from any touchtone telephone and requires no replication or PC.
The PhoneSoft Software Development Kit supports all versions of Notes and Domino, and is fully compatible with all Notes compatible Fax and Pager gateways. Use it to create or telephone-enable a wide range of Lotus Notes applications including: |
- Help Desks
- Fax Back Systems
- Paging Applications
- Human Resource Applications
- Course Registration
- Conference Room Registration
- Time Reporting
- Order Entry
- Voice Transcription and Dictation
- Any Interactive Voice Response (IVR), Phone Notes, or extended Phone Notes solution
You might use a PhoneSoft Software Development Kit application to enable telephone access to a Lotus Notes human resources application that would allow employees to change their company benefit selections by calling in on a touchtone telephone. When an employee calls, the application: Gathers Caller ID information before picking up the telephone. Quickly looks up employee information in the Notes Name and Address book. Looks up the employee's current benefit selections in another Notes database. Then, answers the telephone and immediately plays information about that employee's current selections. Provides options to the caller relevant to his current selections
Information may also be requested from the caller
Caller information may inserted or updated into fields in any new or existing Notes documents. New benefit enrolments and documents may also be created on the fly. If appropriate, mail messages can automatically be sent to the human resource administrator, perhaps a confirmation message sent to the employee, and the administrator could even be automatically paged, as well as fax confirmations sent. This all happens automatically, in real time, as the caller is on the telephone. Note that the caller got instant access to information and updates without replication and without a PC.
Phonesoft Scripting Tool
Your PhoneSoft Software Development Kit includes a complete set of libraries, tutorials, application wizards, help files and sample applications to provide a rich set of tools that allow you to quickly and easily build Lotus Notes integrated computer telephony solutions to suit your needs. The PhoneSoft Software Development Kit utilizes a scripting tool for creating reliable and robust applications. Any Notes developer with Domino Designer skills can easily and quickly build custom computer telephony applications to telephone-enable your Lotus Notes applications. |
Telephony SDK (includes Lotus Notes Address Book Access) - System Administrator Manual (127 pages - 1,203KB)