PhonSoft Technical Library
Subject:Advanced Tone Detection for QSig - E1
Category:Dialogic Voice Boards

- Copy attached E1QSig.tsf in C:\Program Files\Dialogic\data\
- Stop PhoneServer
- Run Intel Configuration Manager (DCM)
- A warning will pop up informing Dialogic drivers are running, press OK
- Stop Dialogic drivers using the RED button
- Double click on the D/300JCT-E1 board to open board's properties and go to "Misc" tab
- Underneath "ParameterFile" = "qte.prm" there should be another couple of entries "TSFFileSupport" and "DisconnectTone", they should both be "No" by default
- Close DCM (WITHOUT restarting the Dialogic service)
- Run Intel PBXpert
- Ignore any warning and do not run any wizard when prompted
- You should be in front of a blank screen
- From PBXpert open file C:\Program Files\Dialogic\data\E1QSig.tsf
- Select "Activate" from the "Tones" menu
- Close PBXpert
- Run again DCM (service should still be stopped)
- Double click on the D/300JCT-E1 board to open properties and go to "Misc" tab
- Underneath "ParameterFile" = "qte.prm" now there should be "TSFFileSupport" and "DisconnectTone", both set to "ENABLED"
- Go to "Files" tab
- You should have "TSFFileName" = "C:\Program Files\Dialogic\data\E1QSig.tsf"
- Close board's properties and start the Dialogic service by pressing the GREEN button