The following is all that will be needed to run Conversation Monitoring. 1. Turn Conversation Monitoring on within PhoneServer. * From the PhoneServer User Interface, Click Edit -> Configuration. * Select the "Transfer Settings" Tab. * Check the box to "Enable Conv. Monitoring". * Click the OK Button. 2. Enable Conversation Monitoring in the Person record. * From PhoneServer, select Edit -> MailCall -> Users. * Select the user that you want to enable. * Scroll down to the PhoneSoft Setup section, to find the "Conversation Monitoring" field. * Make sure this field reads "Yes". 3. Make sure that "MCPopup.exe" is running on the End User's machine. * Place the MCPopup.exe into any directory. * Double click the MCPopup.exe, to launch it. * (Place in Start up menu, or do this every time you start the machine.) After you check through these steps, if it still does not work, do the following test. When this test can be successfully completed, the PBX is ready to handle Conversation Monitoring. There is little more than to simply "Enable" Conversation Monitoring from PhoneServer. It depends on the PBX, and your network TCP/IP, to be set up correctly. You will need the following: * An analog phone to take the place of the Dialogic card. ( Below, this is referred to as line 101.) * 2 available extensions, to test with. (Below, they are referred to as 123, and 456.) This is what you need to do: * Take the phone line (line 101) from the back of the Dialogic card, and plug it into the analog phone. * Now pick up extension 123, and call line 101. * Answer line 101, and confirm that it is connected with extension 123. * Now press the Hookflash button on line 101 (This represents the "Prefix" string in PhoneServer's Transfer Settings), and call extension 456. (Extension 123 should now be on hold and extension 123 should hear the hold music if available.) * Answer extension 456, and confirm that it is connected with line 101 * Now press the Hookflash button from line 101 (This represents the "On Answer" string in PhoneServer's Transfer Settings) and you should be conferenced in with extension 123 and 456.